
People's Burn Foundation Focus Group

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

ACHUB Presents


People's Burn Foundation Focus Group




The event is open to anyone but it targeted at college students. Press is welcome.




Della Hines is a burn survivor. She understands the raw pain that burn victims live with every day. She knows the horror of the unthinkable. In 1991, a fire in her home claimed the lives of two of her three children. It is a day burned into her mind forever ~ a day that changed her life forever.


The fire was caused by an electrical short in a lamp cord. At the time, Della lived in an apartment, and smoke detectors were not properly installed. They were installed too low on the wall, making the smoke detectors ineffective. By the time smoke traveled from the ceiling down to the alarm, it was too late. She was trapped and disoriented from the super-heated gases. Della's little girl Mary, age 2, was sleeping in her crib in the next room. Della couldn't get to Mary; the smoke was too thick. Nicholas, age 4, became frightened and crawled under the bed to hide. Firefighters couldn't find him. Jamie, Della's oldest, managed to crawl next to her mother under the window and they were rescued, but not before sustaining second and third degree burns and significant inhalation injuries. While Della was comatose in one hospital, Jamie struggled for her life in another. Neither were expected to live. Nicholas and Mary were buried without their mother and sister present.


Healthy survival gave Della the inspiration to educate children and parents and to help other burn survivors alleviate some of their pain through proper and easily accessible assistance. In 1996, Della founded the People's Burn Foundation (PBF) in memory of her children, Nicholas and Mary Lorch.







May 21 at 4pm EST 2007 (1pm SL time)




Audio SIM in Secondlife


Organisers / Event Planners


  • Sarah Robbins - intellagirl AT gmail.com
  • Chris Hambly - chambly AT gmail.com



Register for the ACHUB People's Burn Foundation!


Registration is easy - just click Edit and add your name to the end of the list, this gives us an idea of numbers. Please be sure to put a valid email address so we can keep in touch - use the format chambly AT Gmail DOT com to reduce spam. Please also indicate how you can help - organizer, volunteer, present, sponsor, etc.


Please reach out to people you know in your communities and let them know about this event







Planned activites:





Pictures of the PBF event


Transcript of the event




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